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Social Responsibility

GSI member companies are committed to being good neighbours. Which means proactively managing the impacts of our operations, and supporting employees, customers, local communities, and individuals to ensure positive contributions to the places where we operate.

Three pillars underpin sustainable development:

  1. Economics: Healthy profits
  2. Environment: Healthy planet
  3. Social: Healthy people

Without social responsibility, sustainable development is not possible.

What does social responsibility mean to GSI?

For GSI, social responsibility means proactively managing impacts of operations and supporting employees, customers, local communities, and individuals within value and supply chains to ensure positive contributions to the places where we operate.

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Quellon soccer school
Programa Compostaje
Salmones Austral CE Form Picture12 2021

Many factors make up social responsibility, and GSI sees the following as most critical to ensure inclusive social stability and growth within the salmon farming industry:

  • Decent work for all
  • Access to quality education
  • Thriving communities
  • Good health and wellbeing
  • Healthy environments

Within GSI, we want to support our members in promoting the highest levels of social responsibility across their operations. But on the ground, each company has a number of initiatives in place to promote social responsibility. From hosting open door visit days, implementing local educational programs, to sports days, examples community engagement can be found in our Sustainability Report.

Trust as a cornerstone for social responsibility

Trust is vital in all aspects of social responsibility. Without trust, it would be impossible to support our employees, partners, and community members. For GSI, responsibility is built through trust, transparency, and accountability.

Transparency is one of GSI’s guiding principles. Each GSI member is required to transparently report on social performance via our annual GSI Sustainability Report.

Within our annual Sustainability Report, GSI members share details and data on a variety of social indicators, which are connected to ASC certification to ensure we are meeting the highest social standards.

  1. Direct labor: GSI member operations cover many regions, and their employees are a diverse group, in terms of both culture and areas of work. Nevertheless, all of our members share a common set of core values that promote fair treatment and safe working conditions for all employees across all their operations.
  2. Compliance: Salmon farming is a highly regulated industry, and all companies must act in accordance with local laws and regulations. GSI members report on their adherence to these regulations.
  3. Occupational health and safety: Health and safety performance is a key measure of a company’s duty of care, and GSI members aim to ensure the highest levels of occupational health and safety for all employees.
  4. R&D investment: GSI members recognize the importance of investing in R&D as an opportunity to foster innovation and expand knowledge and tools to help improve our farming operations, reduce possible operational risks, and ensure continuous progress towards sustainable salmon farming.
  5. Community engagement: GSI’s local operations actively engage with local communities and stakeholders to ensure we act as responsible corporate citizens and support development of the communities in which we operate.
The work of GSI is powered by the people within it. From our member’s leadership to R&D teams, fish health experts, feed specialists, and of course the farmers; it is their work which is shaping the future of the industry. Social responsibility is therefore a priority to our members, who continue to respect the values, health and wellbeing, and the rights of their employees and the communities in which they operate.

Sophie Ryan, CEO, GSI