Responsible Soy

As well as fish meal, fish oil, and novel oils, salmon feed also comprises plant-based ingredients including soy. GSI members and their feed suppliers are committed to ensuring that these plant-based ingredients are responsibly sourced.

To ensure sustainable, and responsible sourcing of soy GSI members and feed companies also support and participate in a number of policies and initiatives both at a company level and industry level, including:

  • Sourcing soy from deforestation-free soybeans and palm products, and purchasing Round Table of Responsible Soy (RTRS), ProTerra or equivalently certified products
  • Many GSI members are partnered with third party projects including Cerrado Manifesto, and the Round Table of Responsible Soy.
  • Several GSI members have stated their unequivocal support for the Amazon Soy Moratorium (ASM) in Brazil. The ASM was established in 2006 to ensure that soy production in the Amazon region only occurs on existing agricultural land. The GSI members commend the leadership of Brazilian stakeholders in achieving this progress and calls upon the continued protection of the moratorium. Even though these companies do not source form the Amazon, a demolition of the ASM would risk these companies’ business with Brazilian soy in general.
  • Some of our members have also joined forces with ProTerra and Brazilian soy producers to show their commitment to responsible soy production. The ‘Aquaculture Dialogue on Sustainable Soy Sourcing from Brazil’ group discuss improvements in traceability, transparency, supplier code of conduct and deforestation. Find out more about the group here
  • Members also have their own projects and initiatives, including internal education, geomapping, and risk assessments to identify the sources of the soybeans they use and the risks of deforestation in those areas
  • The ASC is also developing a new ASC Feed Standard which will include guidance and reporting on feed ingredients, including soy. As part of our GSI mission to achieve 100% ASC certification, our members will incorporate achieving this additional Standard into their responsible sourcing practices

While the direct soy supply chain of GSI members is conversion free, some members are still working to push the wider Brazilian soy industry towards becoming conversion free through various initiatives, such as the Funding for Soy Farmers in the Cerrado Coalition.

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