Raised To Be Better

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Feed of the Future: Transparent and Traceable

World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has been collaborating with Grieg Seafood and the Global Salmon Initiative (GSI) to create a business-to-business (supplier to farmer) ESG Tool for feed ingredients to assess salmon aquaculture’s ESG risk from its feed. The tool has the potential to support companies in making sourcing decisions based on holistic footprint data. Proactively addressing the challenges within the animal feed industry prior to regulation puts GSI members implementing the tool in a position to lead the sector in a new direction that enhances transparency in the aquaculture feed supply chain.


Greenhouse Gas Accounting Efforts Undermined by Disparate Tools and Frameworks

Variability in product-level GHG accounting standards and methodologies can prevent companies from understanding both their true emissions and their progress in reducing them. Greater harmonization in product-level accounting could accelerate progress and enable better cross-organizational comparison. Collaboration among companies to collect, request information from suppliers on, and report product-based GHG emissions in a standardized way can lessen the burden of individual quality control and harmonization.


Why these companies are choosing collaboration over competition, for a climate resilient future

This case study highlights the potential of GSI’s pre-competitive change model, showcasing how our members choose collaboration over competition to foster a more climate-resilient future. Over the past decade, GSI has utilized this model to make measurable progress in the sustainability of salmon farming. In this article, learn how our model can be used as a universal blueprint to motivate environmental improvements at the speed and scale the world needs.

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Nuestro camino hacia el 100%: certificación del Consejo de Gestión Responsable de la Acuicultura (ASC)

El compromiso de todos los miembros de GSI es lograr un 100% de certificación del ASC en todas sus granjas. Al momento del lanzamiento de GSI, ninguna granja de salmones en el mundo contaba con certificación del ASC.


Trabajo de GSI en la salud y el bienestar de los peces

Las granjas de los miembros de GSI se encuentran en los océanos; compartimos las mismas aguas y, por lo tanto, los mismos riesgos en lo que respecta a la bioseguridad y el bienestar de los peces. Al trabajar juntos y compartir conocimientos especializados, creemos que podemos tener un mayor impacto para garantizar una óptima salud de los peces.


Colaboración para un progreso sostenible en salmonicultura

GSI es un conjunto de compañías de la industria salmonícola global que están unidas por la misión de impulsar mejoras en el desempeño ambiental y social de la industria, y mejorar el acceso de los consumidores a salmón cultivado responsablemente.


El compromiso de GSI con pienso sostenible para peces

Los ingredientes del pienso cumplen un papel importante en la eficiencia de la salmonicultura. Proporciona al salmón toda la proteína y nutrientes esenciales necesarios para una óptima salud y crecimiento.


The Business Case for Pre-Competitive Collaboration

The number of companies throughout various industries making commitments to sustainability has risen exponentially over the last few years. However, many companies are struggling to meet their commitments, often reinventing the wheel or pursuing parallel, but often unequal, strategies. There is a growing realization that individual supply chain actors lack the power to fix large-scale environmental degradation such as deforestation, depletion of wild fish stocks, and plastic pollution on their own, yet these problems pose real risks to entire industries and also to individual company reputations, as well as long-term profitability.


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