Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

Compromiso de GSI con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

Los ODS son un llamado universal a actuar para terminar con la pobreza, proteger el planeta y garantizar que todas las personas gocen de paz y prosperidad. Fueron establecidos por la ONU como parte de su agenda de desarrollo sostenible para el año 2030.

Se desarrollaron 17 objetivos con la intención de crear una vida sosteniblepara generaciones futuras, con metas específicas establecidas por alcanzar.

Gsi Sdgs

El ODS 14 es un llamado a conservar y utilizar de manera sostenible los océanos, mares y recursos marinos como parte del desarrollo sostenible global. Los océanos pueden ofrecer una fuente de comida saludable a millones de personas en todo el mundo, aunque esto solo será posible si reducimos la pesca excesiva, conservamos la biodiversidad oceánica y cultivamos peces de manera responsable.

En términos de nuestro compromiso de ser gestores responsables de los océanos, esta es la forma en que GSI apoya el ODS 14 para hacer esto posible

  • Utilizar el modelo de colaboración precompetitiva de GSI para fomentar mejoras agilizadas de acuicultura responsible
  • Informar de manera transparente sobre el desempeño ambiental y social a través de un Informe de sostenibilidad anual de GSI de toda la industria
  • Impulsar la innovación en la industria a través de colaboraciones permanentes y el intercambio de conocimientos especializados
  • Compartir conocimientos y perspectivas de la salmonicultura con sectores en desarrollo de la acuicultura para agilizar las mejoras y apoyar la acuicultura como una fuente de alimentos sostenible y un contribuidor positivo a las comunidades y economías locales

How GSI aligns with the SDGs

No Poverty

SDG1 - No Poverty

Salmon farming, especially in rural coastal communities, provides socio-economic contributions that can reduce poverty and support local economies.

Zero Hunger

SDG 2 - Zero Hunger

As the world’s fastest growing food sector, aquaculture plays an essential role in food security. GSI members share knowledge and insights from salmon farming to developing regions to accelerate improvements and support aquaculture as a healthy and sustainable food source.

Good Heather Wellbeing

SDG 3 – Good health and well-being

Farmed salmon is a nutrient-rich wholefood, providing vitamins, minerals and protein as well as omega-3 fatty acids which supports healthy diets.

Quality Education

SDG 4 – Quality education

As a rapidly developing sector, GSI member companies support the next generation of ocean farmers by sharing knowledge and expertise on aquaculture operations, as well as practical skills across a variety of associated fields.

Gender Equality

SDG 5 – Gender equality

GSI members continuously work to provide equal leadership opportunities for women at all levels. We use our platforms to amplify women’s voices and visions for the future of aquaculture.

Clean Water And Sanitation

SDG 6 – Clean water and sanitation

A healthy environment is essential for healthy fish, and our farmers are committed to minimizing the impact of their operations to promote clean, healthy waters.

Affordable Clean Energy

SDG 7 – Affordable and clean energy

The opportunities for and use of renewable energy has increased across the farmed salmon sector. GSI members have developed renewable energy sources from the outputs of farming operations, such as waste products.

Decent Work And Economic Growth

SDG 8 – Decent work and economic growth

Collectively, GSI members alone employ over 23,000 full-time employees and have high standards for occupational health and safety in line with global benchmarking schemes.

Industry Innovation And Infrastructure

SDG 9 – Industry, innovation and infrastructure

GSI members are committed to implementing innovation solutions and technological developments that help support a sustainable supply chain and more resilient global food system.

Reduced Inequalities

SDG 10 - Reduced inequalities

GSI members work in partnership with a variety of stakeholders to support the development of local communities through opportunities in sustainable aquaculture.

Sustainable Cities

SDG 11 – Sustainable cities and communities

Aquaculture development has contributed to sustainable community development and improved sustainability in food choices.

Responsible Consumption And Production

SDG 12 – Responsible consumption and production

GSI members apply circular economy approaches to improve resource efficiency and reduce waste, and report annually on environmental and social indicators to increase the transparency of operations.

Climate Action

SDG 13 – Climate action

GSI members are committed to reducing their climate impact and ensuring salmon farming remains one of the most climate-efficient protein sources.

Life Below Water

SDG 14 – Life below water

As ocean farmers, the ocean wellbeing is of critical importance to us professionally and personally. Which is why we make every effort to protect, sustain and maximize ocean resources.

Life On Land

SDG 15 – Life on land

To ensure sustainable and responsible sourcing of soy, GSI members support and participate in initiatives around the world to help combat deforestation and purchase Round Table of Responsible Soy, ProTerra or equivalently certified products.

Peace Justice And Strong Institutions

SDG 16 – Peace, justice and strong institutions

Through collaboration within GSI and with our suppliers and partners, we stive to support in developing a more sustainable, healthy and equitable food system to benefit all.

Partnerships For The Goals

SDG 17 – Partnerships for the goals

Without partnership, there is no GSI. GSI’s unique ability to drive game-changing innovations across the farmed salmon industry have resulted in real, sustainable change for the sector and Sustainable Development Goals.

Gsi Handbook Cover Spanish Small

El Manual de GSI

Examine más profundamente el rol que el salmón cultivado puede cumplir en futuros sistemas alimentarios y el trabajo que estamos haciendo para garantizar que nuestra industria se adapte y mejore a la velocidad y la escala que el mundo necesita.

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